Künstliche Intelligenz und EPOS AITM

Bei EPOS sind wir bestrebt, an der Spitze des technisch Machbaren zu stehen. Deshalb freuen wir uns, Ihnen unseren neuesten technologischen Durchbruch und eine Branchenneuheit vorstellen zu können: EPOS AITM. Dieses Whitepaper befasst sich eingehend mit künstlicher Intelligenz – oder AI – und wie wir sie in unsere Kopfhörer integrieren.

Aktualisiert 2024

AI is quickly changing the way we live. We have seen it moving into our daily lives. Take, for example, personal assistants that, by using machine learning and AI, can predict our actions and get smarter by doing so. It is no surprise that we can observe the same developments at work, especially as we become more mobile, versatile, and flexible.

What is EPOS AITM?

Developed by a team of EPOS engineers, EPOS AITM is a tiny but powerful network that can separate human voices from other extraneous sounds. Using deep learning in a sophisticated sound laboratory, EPOS engineers have enabled EPOS AITM to “learn”.

Intelligent adaptive audio with ADAPT 660, powered by EPOS AITM

Our flagship headset, the groundbreaking ADAPT 660, is the world’s first UC-certified headset that incorporates a machine learning-enhanced voice pickup. This, along with adaptive active noise cancellation, offers superb clarity on both sides of the call. Combined with rich stereosound, ADAPT 660 helps today’s mobile workers maximize focus, boost efficiency, and increase productivity anywhere.

The Future of AI

At EPOS, we realize that we have barely scratched the surface of the vast potential AI offers. We look forward to creating technologies that help make lives richer, more productive, and more enjoyable for years to come.

AI-Whitepaper herunterladen

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