Exclusive insights from Integrated Systems Europe 2024

Craig Durr from the Futurum Group was in dialogue with Brit Frandsen, Director Portfolio Management, to unveil more about the next IMPACT Generation and the announcement of the IMPACT 700 and IMPACT 800 Series.
Get even more insights in the research brief from the Futurum Group that is available for download further down.

Sound Strategies for the Evolving Workplace

While open work environments are recognized for facilitating collaboration and communication, they also introduce increased noise levels. According to a comprehensive study published in the Harvard Business Review in 2023, workers in open-plan offices reported a 15% decline in productivity due to noise distractions. This finding is not a surprise as the noise level rises when many conversations, phone calls, and meetings occur at the same time in a barrier-less space.

With open spaces and hybrid work becoming the norm, the acoustics of today's offices are a far cry from the cubicles of the past. While fostering collaboration, these modern workspaces also introduce a significant amount of background noise and auditory distractions. Thus, companies need to prioritize the need for effective communication in hybrid work settings. Professionals in various demanding environments face the daily challenge of maintaining clear communication, which is essential for operational efficiency and success.

From offices to call centers to manufacturing floors, the ability to communicate clearly is not just a convenience; it is a business imperative. In short, as the way we work evolves, the demand for high-quality audio performance is becoming increasingly critical for businesses.

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