Customer Case: Transcom
When deciding on a new headset, Transcom developed a range of different tests, with us being just one of the candidates under scrutiny. At the end of the selection process, which was determined by various criteria, the employees at Transcom gave our headset solutions the highest rating.
”At the end of our thorough selection process, your headset solutions came out on top”
Joep Kaiser
Facility Manager - Transcom
“We embarked on the search for a better headset to replace our current one because Transcom is also undergoing significant growth,” explains Joep Kaiser. As Facility Manager, Kaiser was responsible for the selection process for a new headset for the company.
“We prepared a range of tests for the various candidates, which included your headset solutions. We gave groups of ten employees different headsets to test in terms of factors such as ambient noise reduction, comfort and sound quality.
Certain criteria – such as how the headset sounds and how the noisecancelling microphone performs – are particularly important to us so we assigned double points to these.”
“When we applied this set of criteria, your headset solutions proved to be the best for Transcom.”
“The communication we had also went smoothly,” says Kaiser. “I was given help from all sides. At one point, we were forwarded a number of proposals,
which ultimately ensured that the IMPACT 660 headset was chosen”.
Customer contact
“Customer contact has definitely improved,”explains team leader Kor Boelsma. “The fact that you can understand the customer perfectly, makes the conversation a lot more natural. Previously, you were more concerned with trying to understand what the customer was saying but this is no longer necessary. You can be engaged in the conversation and busy with the system at the same time, enabling you to help the customer all in one go.”
As the agents no longer have to worry about hearing and understanding their customers properly, it means they can do more things at once, which in turn makes calls shorter, thereby improving productivity.
“The headset definitely has an impact on my productivity,” says Jessica Wiffers. As an agent, she is able to focus more on the customer and is less distracted by ambient noise. “I find the sound quality extremely good, which makes it a lot more pleasant for me and allows me to stay focused on the customer. I am fully in the conversation and can shut out everything and everyone around me.”
Company Profile
Transcom WorldWide AB is a Swedish outsourcing company which provides customer care, sales, technical support and collections services through an extensive network of contact centers and work-at-home agents.