GSX 1000/1200 Pro - Permission issue with microphone in Steam on Mac OS

Step 1: Disable The System Integrity Check so that you can access the relevant system database.

  • Reboot your Mac and hold Cmd+R on startup. This will bring up the Recovery Mode.

  • Open Utility > Terminal from the menu bar and type csrutil disable

  • Reboot to normal mode.

Step 2: Manually add permission for Steam to access the microphone.

  • Open Terminal and type the following command:

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES('kTCCServiceMicrophone','com.valvesoftware.steam',0,1,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,0,1551892126);"

  • Enter your Mac password to confirm the action.

Step 3: Make Steam use that permission

  • In Terminal, type the following two commands:

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription string" /Applications/

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Using voice chat" /Applications/

Step 4: Cleanup

  • Reboot your Mac and hold Cmd+R on startup. This will bring up the Recovery Mode.

  • Open Utility > Terminal from the menu bar and type csrutil enable

  • Reboot.

And there we go, Steam should have permission to use your microphone just fine!

E: u/_Garbage_ gave this fix below:

Error: unable to open database "/Users/inaNis/Library/Application Support/": unable to open database file

This is because the terminal you are using does not have full disk permission.

You can go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and either select or drag and drop your terminal app into right side.

After you restart the terminal, the commands should work.