Customer Case: Weka Fachmedien Specialist Area
Not only is being hands-free when on the phone important to the employees at WEKA FACHMEDIEN, but also optimal audibility. Editors and media consultants are frequent callers, therefore requiring headsets with a high level of comfort when wearing and optimal audibility for both the speaker and the listener.
The Challenge
The WEKA FACHMEDIEN employees were already using headsets, but were not yet convinced of the userfriendliness and voice quality.
The Solution
Our IMPACT DW Pro 2 headset were acquired for the media consultants and editor who were familiar with the ITC business and its products. It was the very good audibility and the wearing comfort, as well as the reliability of the headsets that quickly won the employees over.
”Acceptance of the newly acquired headsets was high from the outset. The advantages of the IMPACT DW Pro 2 headset convinced the employees”
Matthäus Hose
Publishing director - Weka Fachmedien
It is not only media consultants who need support when making calls, but also the editors. When conducting telephone interviews, speaking and writing at the same time is imperative and this can only be guaranteed by using a headset. Speech intelligibility is essential when carrying out research or customer calls.
The use of the headsets also had an impact on the productivity of the employees, reports the publishing manager. This can be attributed to the optimal transfer of the spoken word thanks to the IMPACT DW Pro 2 headset.