Powered by Audio, an EPOS podcast
How does audio shape your environment?
How the sounds that come with living in a city environment affect us in unseen ways, and how we can better deal with them.
From the great planes and caves, to agricultural settlements and now to enormous cities, the environment humans live in has dramatically changed over time. With the change in the living environment, the sound we experience daily has also changed. The problem is, the revolution in humans' living environment has happened faster than our evolutionary process and there is a physical toll in unwanted sound that we are evolutionarily not equipped to handle. In this episode, we explore how the sounds that come with living in a city environment affect us in unseen ways and how we can deal with the physiological burden they bring better.
Episode Guests
Randi Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author, award-winning producer and founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media. Passionate about the intersection of tech and media, Randi was an early employee at Facebook where she was the creator of Facebook Live. She currently hosts a weekly tech business show on SiriusXM called Randi Zuckerberg Means Business
Powered by Audio, an EPOS podcast
These are the stories behind the sounds we hear everyday… sounds that inform, entertain, educate, get our attention, influence our behavior, and save our lives. Join host Randi Zuckerberg and her guests as they explore how audio shapes our experience and how pioneers are creating the sound of the future.
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