EPOS Software Support
Checking if device is default
Step 1
- Make sure device is inserted and powered on.
Step 2
- Open Windows sound settings
Step 3
- Select control panel
Step 4
- Make sure your devices are set as default
(If your product has multiple devices, please refer to the user guide)
Removing old USB drivers
Remove USB drivers
- Some PC’s may have issues with USB drivers.
- We recommend to try and uninstall all old drivers if possible.
- The tool USBDeview makes this process easier.
Download the tool here: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usbdeview.zip
- Open USBdeview.exe as admin.
- Sort devices by Vendor ID
- Select all devices with Vendor ID 1395.
- Click the trashcan near top left corner to uninstall.
- Restart PC.
- Unplug and replug your device.