GSP 350/GSP 550 - Uninstalling surround dongle drivers
The following procedure can be used in order to uninstall the driver of the surround dongle and perform a fresh installation of the driver.
1. Open Device Manager and navigate to "Universal Series Bus Controllers".
2. To uninstall the driver, you need to find the "USB Composite Device" in device manager, which is the Surround Dongle for GSP 350 and PC 373D.
3. In the picture, below there are 5 "USB Composite Device" in total, in this case, we have to determine the correct one.
4. Right-click each"USB Composite Device" and follow the steps outlined in the three pictures below in order to find the dongle, repeat these steps until you find the Surround Dongle Driver.
5. Remove the dongle from the USB port and reboot your PC, do not reconnect the dongle to the computer yet.
6. Once your PC is powered on again plug in the dongle and Windows will automatically install the required drivers.